Sunday, May 23, 2010

FFXIII Shiva Motorcycle

This is the biggest action figure I ever had in my collection to date. Shiva motorcycle is about 53cm in length. Its size doubles the size of the Play Arts Kai because the motorcycle features two individual characters Styria and Nyx ... the awesome Shiva sisters imbued with the power of ice. Nyx is the darker half and Styria is the fairer half.


The figure comes in a huge box that I have shown in my previous post. The box is double the size of the previous bikes i.e., Fenrir from FFVII Advent Children and Hardy Daytona from FFVII. Here is a comparison between the box sizes.

The packaging is much more solid than Fenrir and Hardy Daytona. The layers are thicker to support the weight of the bike. I did not weigh the bike but I think the total weight of Hardy Daytona and Fenrir make up the weight of Shiva motorbike. Small wires are used to secure the position of the bike in the box.

Motorcycle details

 This is how the bike looks after opening the box.

Styria forms the hind part whereas Nyx forms the front part of the motorcycle with the handles attached to the sides of her head. Here is a closer look at both of them ...


Notice the details on each of the figure. They are very detailed and the designs are awesome especially the one on Nyx's head being a transparent plastic that shows part of the engine of the bike. Also note the details on the wheels and flaps.

Here is another picture of the motorbike after removing the wires and top plastic cover.


Here is another picture with Snow Villiers.

Next, let us look at both Nyx and Styria individually. Both of their designs are really unique and highly detailed. A word of caution when separating both figures from its bike form. Take note of the joints that form the bike and make sure you detach them carefully to avoid breaking parts of Styria and Nyx. The joints are delicate. Here is a picture of both of them individually.

Individually, both of them stand at an amazing 38cm. Here is another close up of their facial details.

The facial details are amazing. 

Here is a comparison in terms of size among Fenrir, Hardy Daytona and Shiva Motorcycle.

Look at the size of the motorcycle @.@

Points of articulation

Both figures have great points of articulation to make up for the transformation process. For more pictures of the various poses, please check out the following link: 
You can view various poses and details that Shiva motorcycle has to offer from the link. 

For me this bike has become the most precious toy I have ever own in my Final Fantasy collection. No doubt that this figure is very costly i.e., RM780 but for a true die hard fan of Final Fantasy, it is a great collectors' item. I will be looking forward to Odin which will be the next Eidolon scheduled to be released soon. From what I have seen in Shiva Motorcycle, I am very confident that Odin has much to offer in terms of size and details. Well done Square Enix Kai for manufacturing this awesome bike. 


Ingo said...

It is indeed a very nice looking thing, but the built quality is a joke considering how costly it is. I received mine today. Both pins that should connect the handle bars were already broken off and Styria's left leg was snapped just below her left knee (and the "wound" revealed some seriously cheap looking plastic innards). Just great. For 200 bucks, a figure with articulation this delicate needs a metal skeleton.
I don't even want to think about the construction of Nyx's hip joints. I certainly cannot move them without applying at least a little bit of force.

Reno said...

Sad to know about the condition of your bike. The legs and joints are really fragile. I only separated the sisters to take pictures of them individually as seen on my post and transformed them back into gestalt mode for display. Truth is once the legs are broken, you will have difficulty transforming >.<

Ingo said...

I'm sending her back and hopefully will have better luck with the next one. I'm also not going to transform her into humanoid form this time. The bike looks more interesting to me anyway, and it also doesn't need a plastic piece to stand.

I wished the thing had the joint quality of the Monev the Gale figurine (Trigun). Now that thing is just pure quality (for a fraction of the money)

Reno said...

Good luck on that! I have Gazelle the Peacemaker and Nickholas D Wolfwood. The figures from the series have great points of articulation.